Mosquito Management.

Get rid of Mosqiotos

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There are approximately 2, 700 species of mosquito in the world Mosquitoes have an average maximum flight distance of between 50 m and 2 km, depending on the species.

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The three most significant genera are the “ Aedes, Anopheles and Culex”.

Aedes: These are sometimes called flood water mosquitoes because flooding is important for their eggs to hatch. Only the female mosquito bites mainly at dawn and in the early evening. It transmits among humans menacing diseases such as yellow fever, chikungunya and dengue fever, and can also cause lymphatic filariasis, an illness that can trigger elephantiasis in certain cases.

Anopheles: These tend to breed in bodies of permanent fresh water. They include several species such as the common malaria mosquito ( Anopheles quadrimacuntus ) that can spread malaria to humans.

Culex: These tend to breed in quite standing water. The genus of mosquito known as the Culex can be considered the least dangerous of the three major types of mosquitoes due to the fact that humans are not their preferred blood meal.

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Potential mosquito breeding sites: Roof gutter, Road side septic seepage foul water, swimming pools, water holding like plant axil, discarded tires, flower pot, buckets, tin cans, plastic jugs, ornamental ponds etc… mosquito stake about seven days to complete life history.

Mosquito management and Treatment

We start with a comprehensive site inspection and develop a tailored plan to help break the mosquito life cycle on your property.
Residual spraying: In this treatment we spray a colourless and odourless insecticide on the walls. The insecticide is harmless for human beings. Residual spraying is the application of insecticide to the inside of dwellings, on walls and other surfaces that serve as a resting place for mosquitoes. Residual spraying kills mosquitoes when they come in contact with treated surfaces, preventing disease transmission. This treatment can be done in both residential and commercial areas.

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Thermal fogging: Insect killer that can used to kill mosquitoes and other such pests around the outside of home. This is a process initiated to control air born adult mosquitoes. Thermal fogging is the effective method to keep away the adult mosquitoes. Ideal time for fogging is during dusk and dawn hours. The fog can be directed at grass, shrubs, small trees, cook-out areas, under picnic tables or other areas that need to be mosquito and insect free. Larvae Control: Pesticides may be applied to control larvae (larvicides) or adults (adulticides). An efficient way for mosquito control is to find and eliminate their larval habitat eliminating large larval development sites (source reduction) such as swamps or sluggishly moving streams or ditches may require community-wide effort. They might impound an area of water, establish ditches or canals or control the aquatic weeds on a body of water.

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